Rain Booth Activation: Bringing Seattle’s Rainy Romance to Warmer Climates

Seattle, known for its enchanting rainy days, has embarked on a unique marketing endeavor to share a slice of its charm with warmer cities. The Rain Booth Activation, a creative initiative by Visit Seattle is making waves in Huntington Beach and Sacramento, allowing guests to immerse themselves in a quintessentially Seattle experience.

The Concept

In partnership with the Seattle-based marketing agency Copacino Fujikado and fabricated by Arizona's Spectacle, and our partners at NRG Experiential, the Rain Booth is an innovative pop-up activation with photo solution provided by URBNEvents. The idea was to transcend the typical perceptions of Seattle's gloomy weather and showcase the romantic allure of rain. This activation allowed participants to star in their own Seattle-inspired movie poster, capturing the essence of rainy romance that the city is famed for.

The Technical Marvel and Sustainable Design

The booth, a 17’ x 16’ structure was not just a visual marvel but also an embodiment of sustainability. Constructed from wood, it featured a system that captured rainwater and repurposed it, reducing waste and emphasizing environmental consciousness. The backdrop, a captivating orange-toned portrayal of Seattle’s skyline, set the perfect mood for the photo-ops.

The Experience

Visitors stepped into a world reminiscent of Seattle's rain-drenched streets. They could choose from three different overlays to personalize their 'rainy romance' photos. The atmospheric setting, complete with a veil of rain, offered a unique opportunity for magazine and movie-style photos. To enhance user convenience, the photo capture device allowed guests to input their phone numbers and receive their pictures instantly, ready to be shared on social media.

Embracing the Rain

Seattle’s Rain Booth Activation is not just a marketing strategy; it's a celebration of the city's unique weather and culture. It encourages people to embrace the rain and find joy and romance in what many might see as gloomy weather. This initiative beautifully captures the spirit of Seattle, offering a window into the city's soul.

To discover more about this unique experience and plan your Seattle getaway, visit cozyinseattle.com

Ryan Salinas

I’m a Texan that lives in Vegas with lots of opinions and occasionally I take pictures of things. 


Mayfair Supper Club - 360 VIDEO BOOTH
